So... It's been two months since my last post. I've had these locks for exactly 65 days and I am loving every second of this journey. I originally intended to maintain them myself from the get-go, but as the first month passed and retightening time came around I found myself very nervous about possibly messing up the beautiful grid that took SO LONG to install. I decided that it would be best for me to go have Saabira retighten my hair the first time and I'm glad I did. She did a wonderful job. That being said, this past weekend, I decided to give it a go on my own. I have been fixing a lot of slippage throughout the last month and feel like I have a good handle on how the four-point process goes. This past Friday I decided to start my DIY journey. I have been taking my time and not really working on my hair every day for hours at a time- but as I write this, I'm halfway through! My arms and neck are killing me but seeing the progression of how things are turning out- coupled with some serious moral support from Saabira is pushing me through. I feel so accomplished and I know I'll feel even better once it's all done! Also, I'm working out 5 to 6 days a week getting my beach body together. Locks + working out + clean eating are making me one very happy nappy hippie! Photo time...